Friday, October 22, 2010


Sekolah Rantau Petronas (Private) @ SMK Rantau Petronas (Gov)

Why got two names? 
yeah, dulu time I skola rendah
still Esso (Exon Mobil) & Petronas take over the school
but then bile Esso da pindah KL je, the school changed to Gov school.
seriously sdey okay time tuka to Gov but what to do

So, I started my Form1 in Gov school. No more aircond in the class,
No skirt for muslim girl's, Wajib wearing tudung etc.
At first sgt xsuke, and bile da lame2 have too lah kan
I'm with SRP from standard 1 - Form 5
very the faithful student kan? sbbnye tkt duk asrama, LOL
Cayalah memell ;D

Why I'm doing this?

cause I'm missing you guys back in school effin much! 
even though, I don't like school at that time
but like seriously it's was the most precious moment eva,
we tends to forget everything about anything aite?
but for me, I even can't forget any single thing that happened
in my school. Even the stupid one i could remembered! :P

aha, too much sweet & sour memories * smiling ;)
yeap! dlu siap ada gang, haha. skola aite?
gang sejati lah bro! hahaha ;D

(mell, nana, pda, sarah, dell, cma, ina )

tu la gang sejati kami, hee ;)
mane2 pegi mesti nk kene ade 7 org.
uat ape pun 7 org, sweet kan? LOL
if ade org kaco anyone dlm gang tu, hah
mell la org pertama p sound sape yg brani kaco tu.
perghh, of course I'm the though one LOL
but seriously, bodo nyeee time skola dlu en?
haha, biase lah tu xmatang lg :P

bile da idup as a gang, byk la kisah en.
suka, duka mmg byk. uhu ;)
but still I do appreciate you guys as my LTF
(Long Term Friends)
the best part is, ade junior siap nk uat kami 
as drang nye idola. HAHA
cool en? :))

Form 5, 2003 ;)
from left ; myself, nana, (mazri), cma, dell, pda & ina

and sarah was not in the picture, as always MIA. haha :D
  btw, ignore ye my face. haha, sgt alim :P 

* sorry byk sgt pic yg xscan & MIA jugak, sdey2 ;(

latest raya with them ;)

I will upload more pics soon yeap?
still searching actually, hee ;)

SRP people, i miss you guys!
reunion again please?


  1. Waaaa..i miss u wey!!!! I miss srp!! Nk g skola la japg..hehe

  2. nana, I MISS U TOO! sobs! ala jeles ;(
