Friday, October 22, 2010

OMG (!)

Received a call from me love,
 at 10:01 am


" Dot, I'm getting your birthday present soon enough
I just called the place. Hmmm, and I'm so jealous okay!
I want one also ;( "

Haha, don't be baby. cause you already got one aite?
 It's my turn now sayang :P
you're getting sweeter than ever baby,
thanks for everything love.
I will cherish every moment when
I'm with you :) 

and of course I'm freaking excited for the pressie,
Dear birthday, I can't wait!
Please come faster, pretty pls?

stay mine


  1. woooweeeee!!!
    cant wait!! *sebok gk nk tau neh*
    pape pn,hppy bday kmell comell!!

  2. Haha..kan aku dh ckp mesti ko aan ckp bday come faster :)

  3. sheila ; ahaha, xpe t mase da smpai kmell btau ea? :P time kaseh syg :D

    nana ; heee, yeap2! ;D
