Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hello (!)

Ehem ehem, Hello people ;) Yeap yeap im NEW here, as you all know la kan. hee ;) so hope yg mane follow mell ni ampun yea kalo page ni cm ala2 buruk sket. aha. i xreti lg la nk men ngn HTML neh :P hope you guys ley tlg bg tunjuk ajar, ihiks ;)
Yeah, for the first post im not gonna tell who am i, what the purpose of im doing this blog and so on cause everybdy already known as we all write a blog of course we want to express our feelings or maybe our write about our daily life aite? but for me its about evrything ;)

So, welcome to my page ;)




  1. welcome mel!
    i love ur banner!!cantek okie! :D
    and the layout is just so sweet and subtle!

  2. maddy ; ehe. thnks babe! ;) i budak bru belajar, anything help me okayh? hee :) then banner? hehe, thnks again. hee :D mwahs >.<

  3. aku igt blog nd lala..tapi itu cerita lain..
    mari kita tgk kadar update blog!haha..selamat berkarya? di dalam blogosfera..dan juga salam eid maaf zahir dan batin...sempat lagi kan??haha..

  4. zul ; haha. ko jgn macam2, hehe. aku baru lg neh haa. so post sket2 bru :P ehehe. selamat hari raya jugakkk! nk duet raya ;)

  5. pantas gila kmell baru start blog dah ada 8 followers,lepasni sah sepah sepah penuh.hehe ;)

    slmt berblogging!

  6. haram jadah nak duit raya..haha..mungkin bila aku keje nanti..mungkin..haha

    p/s: lu punya blog gua tak follow tp gua bloglist..ada boleh?haha

  7. zanna ; aha. ala 8 je sket je tu syg oi. aha. xde sepah mane laa. stalker je byk t :P thnks babe ;)

    zul ; haha, nk gak t aku claim okay. alaa, follow je laa alang2 kepalang. aku da follow kau pe :D

    maddy ; ahaha, okay babe. tgh nk cri cmne nk uat. biase laa baru2 ni xreti lg. blog cmni je la :P
