Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sorry (!)

Hello people

I'm BACK! 

Sorry for the long lost bloggie, been effin busy with some stuff.
Orite, let's catch up with everything that i've been left for few days
aha. First thing first okay, Hmmmmm 
My birthday. My anni. My brace-face day!
In the same day. hee ;)
As you all know aite?

Okay, i will update those thingy one by one okay?
Just wait for the post to come

Oh btw, I not surely know my heart lately.
aha. maybe cause I'm going to be heartless?
No one knows. Pray to God - bring back my happiness
Pretty please?

Amin :)

Thnks for viewing peeps.
I'll be back

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sick (!)

If makan sume ubat neh ley baik x demam?
Hmm, mcm makin truk je ha neh
Da due kali round da mkn ubt
nak dekat 5 biji skali makan pun ada
tp still rase lemau, grr.


Nak kata kene ujan cm xje, Hmm
Saket gigi xjugak, Erhh
Tetibe je ley pening pale, badan panas
dugaan semua neh. 
So sabar ye mell :')

Okay, japg ade prctce dance.
Banyak lagi step xtau. show sabtu ne
Pagi & malam plak tu. Esok nk gerak KL jap.
Brace-face wannabe ;)
(okay, happy jap bile cite part neh)

Lik KL sambung prctce lik then show.
Okay ni je la idup mell ye.
Kalo xde class ke ape,
Dance la keje nye.
Cari rezeki yg halal, ape salahnye

Aite, Cincauloss dlu ye.
Nak gerak p prctce da
Doakan saya cpt sembuh ;)
Esok nk guna tenaga neh
Nk jalan satu KL.
HAHA :D * poyo *

P/s : Esok 28 Oct la, ehem2 :P


Busy ( ! )

Busy sangat ke awak memell lala?
Jawapan die;


tp gedik uat post tittle busy. kenapa?
sbb nye xde mase nk update blog.
tp kenapa lagi?
sbb busy menelaah baby bie!
hahaha :))

Over kan? 
Bukan nk busy class ke ape en. 
da la bru start sem ni haa.
org patut busy stdy sume bagai.
aku busy men baby bie!
HAHA. xpe laa
skali skala, overexcited kan?
Jangan maraah

Okay iklan jap, Anyone yang ada Iphone, BB or 
Nokia yg ley on9 tu (Model pe tah)
Rajin2 la download 
t ley chat free n of course gune tenet la
ehe ;) t add la saya.
mintak kt mane?
haaa, pk la cmne care :P
( cm bagus lak aku neh )

Okay sambung,
Hah, ala2 culture shock da
cm org asli bru dpt gadget bru. 
cmtu jugak la memell lala.
kasihan kan? LOL
xpe la asal aku happy :P
sorry ye rakan2.
tetap xkn lupekan blog.
Peace ;)

Oh, one more thing yea
mesti korg sume pelik kan.
entry i neh jap ckp melayu
sekejap english. haha.
pasni kalo ade bahasa bru sy uat ye :P
 HAAHAHAHHA! sorry la.
sy tulis ikt mood.
kadang2 tu broken gak english nye ha.
Maafkan ye, sy bkn pndai sgt :)
kalo korg xsuke terpulang lah
Peace lagi skali


Okay bye2 korg,
Have a Good Night Sleep
Thnks for viewing!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Birthday Entry ( ! )

 26 oct 2010

 Auntie's Birthday,
Mrs. Zaleha Bt Endut

Happy Birthday Gemok!

You're old enough to celebrate your birthday.
Better for you to celebrate mine :P
Oh btw, I didn't yet send her a text to wishing her birthday
but I already post this Birthday Wish.
Cool aite? HAHA. Lazy to type. okay later yea~
Anyway, Wishing you all the best in your life.
Mayb God bless you & live long life 



25 Oct 2010

KeMok's Birthday
Steffi Sarge Kaur  

Happy Birthday Avatar! 

Sorry Kem, I'm not there to celebrate your day
Xpe, wait for me okay? t kte jimba bersama
May God bless you darling
No more sedey2 okay, we're here for you
Gudluck game kt ganu, jgn injured t xley jimba.
hahaha, tc kem. ily! 



Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby bie, ily ( ! )

the happy face, si gendut :P

Related with the post before,

Who is baby bie? 
What is it?
Okay here you go :)

Hello baby bie! ;)

Welcome to my life
Thnks to my baby for giving me the best pressie eva!
In advance plak tu. heee :)
ily much mucho lah
Oh yeaa, 3 days more to go!
Bracie, I'm waiting for you.
hehe :)

That's all folks.
Thnks for viewing!

Baby bie ( ! )

Birthday Present In Advance!


Thank you baby for the lovely present!
Heeee ;) I got 4days earlier
I'm so in love with my new baby
Her name is baby bie ;)
Comel kan name die?
No words can describe how happy I am :D

Eyh eyh, sape baby bie neh?
haaaa, sape yg da tau tu tau la.
sape yg xtau lg tu. ehe :P
tunggu, nnti mell reveal okay?
hehe :)

Gedik sgt siap nk reveal bagai ha 
jangan marahhh :D
Whatever it is, I love you baby!
Thnks thnks thnks all over again!

Wait for another update okay?
I will story you guys, what's the thing yea.
For now, later guys!
Got something to do.

Bye bye!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One in a million ( ! )

"There Are Millions Of People In This world, But In The end It All Comes Down To One"

Dedicate to you,

One in a million - Ne yo


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Idole ( ! )


i love her style
i love her hair
i love her dance move
i love her face

i LOVE her because she got everything!

Cheryl Cole

you are the HOTTEST!


Saturday ( ! )

Hey guys! Happy Saturday ;)

Anyone could get me those cupcakes? oh my,
so cute aite? I want those cuppie so badly!  

Hmm, what's about saturday?
I went to Aeon Melaka with Fareeza, Kak Wani, Mali & Zet
Plan to getting our lunch there, nyumm!
At first we attacked the takoyaki stall
I ordered the octopus one with extra mayo
So do mali and kak wanie, hee :)
and still hunting for a place to get our lunch

octopus tako :)

yeah, jalan sana. jalan sini. bla bla
seriously we couldn't find any place there.
cause it's like pack with so many people.
Ayam XXL? okay nothing interesting
Chicken Rice Shop? emm boring!
OldTown White Coffee? ok full! damn
There and there, everything also damn pack.
about 15mins of hunting the place
then we decided Ali Cafe! :D

The place was so damn nice and kinda cute too,
Got Wii weyh! I wanna play but then a bunch of kids
and some org tua also played the Wii
How I'm gonna play the thing? Pffft!
All of us ate nasi lemak, nasi goreng, 
cintan beley-nice :p & thick- thick toast
aha, so cute aite the name?
you guys should try ali cafe too :)

bro, borrow ur pic k? no offense ;)

After lunch then fly back home. pheww!
I'm effin sleepy but I can't sleep till now,
too many to think about. haih
and missing my baby too.
and thnk God, baby ady msg me just now
going back to melaka tmrw!
yeah, ehe. imy loadz gundu ;)

What's plan for tonite memell lala?
Hmm, I guess watching 'MARI MENARI'
i like dancing2. heee ;)
then wait for baby to call, auww 
That's all i think, will update netting later yea
sorry for the boring entry.

Chalo Merre Bette people
Have a good Saturday!


Tears (!)

I don't know what to say or what to jot down,
At the first place, my mood was like effin HAPPY!
but suddenly? em, it turns to gloomy day.

Well, this is what we call life aite?
There's ups and down, sometimes..
Life is confusing & complicated, not to forget unpredictable too
Actually I was like, had enough with all of those things
but life must go on, whenever we're happy or not.

yeah, back to the topic. Why tears? hmm,
My heart is crying but not me,
cause i feel like ' hati kering ' already.
No tears just a stupid sad face!

I'm just not happy with my result, 
yes seriously I don't like it!
For me, my result; so - so :(
Nvm, be grateful mell!
Pray for the best this sem!
okay, I will 


One more thing, 
I just can't stand with some people's attitude
Who like to make someone else feel so stupid in front of others
ish, maki la. bodo la. xpandai la. sume pun saya ni 
hmm, okay I don't want to talk about it.
Had enough, pftt!

Just learn how to appreciate people please?
That's what you need to do,
Don't be stupid with your own stupidness
Yuck! I don't like it, so the others.


Last but not least,
I'm missing my gundu fucking much
Where're you baby?
I need your shoulder to cry on,


Good Night World

Friday, October 22, 2010

OMG (!)

Received a call from me love,
 at 10:01 am


" Dot, I'm getting your birthday present soon enough
I just called the place. Hmmm, and I'm so jealous okay!
I want one also ;( "

Haha, don't be baby. cause you already got one aite?
 It's my turn now sayang :P
you're getting sweeter than ever baby,
thanks for everything love.
I will cherish every moment when
I'm with you :) 

and of course I'm freaking excited for the pressie,
Dear birthday, I can't wait!
Please come faster, pretty pls?

stay mine


Sekolah Rantau Petronas (Private) @ SMK Rantau Petronas (Gov)

Why got two names? 
yeah, dulu time I skola rendah
still Esso (Exon Mobil) & Petronas take over the school
but then bile Esso da pindah KL je, the school changed to Gov school.
seriously sdey okay time tuka to Gov but what to do

So, I started my Form1 in Gov school. No more aircond in the class,
No skirt for muslim girl's, Wajib wearing tudung etc.
At first sgt xsuke, and bile da lame2 have too lah kan
I'm with SRP from standard 1 - Form 5
very the faithful student kan? sbbnye tkt duk asrama, LOL
Cayalah memell ;D

Why I'm doing this?

cause I'm missing you guys back in school effin much! 
even though, I don't like school at that time
but like seriously it's was the most precious moment eva,
we tends to forget everything about anything aite?
but for me, I even can't forget any single thing that happened
in my school. Even the stupid one i could remembered! :P

aha, too much sweet & sour memories * smiling ;)
yeap! dlu siap ada gang, haha. skola aite?
gang sejati lah bro! hahaha ;D

(mell, nana, pda, sarah, dell, cma, ina )

tu la gang sejati kami, hee ;)
mane2 pegi mesti nk kene ade 7 org.
uat ape pun 7 org, sweet kan? LOL
if ade org kaco anyone dlm gang tu, hah
mell la org pertama p sound sape yg brani kaco tu.
perghh, of course I'm the though one LOL
but seriously, bodo nyeee time skola dlu en?
haha, biase lah tu xmatang lg :P

bile da idup as a gang, byk la kisah en.
suka, duka mmg byk. uhu ;)
but still I do appreciate you guys as my LTF
(Long Term Friends)
the best part is, ade junior siap nk uat kami 
as drang nye idola. HAHA
cool en? :))

Form 5, 2003 ;)
from left ; myself, nana, (mazri), cma, dell, pda & ina

and sarah was not in the picture, as always MIA. haha :D
  btw, ignore ye my face. haha, sgt alim :P 

* sorry byk sgt pic yg xscan & MIA jugak, sdey2 ;(

latest raya with them ;)

I will upload more pics soon yeap?
still searching actually, hee ;)

SRP people, i miss you guys!
reunion again please?